Results-oriented support
This means looking at the educational environment systematically, considering issues such as accountability mechanisms and the visibility of school performance across the system. In the end, we identify where, how and why these institutions are failing their students, and provide practical, cost-effective and results-oriented guidance for repairing broken systems.
Alumni Management
Global Education Group helps educational organisations to develop and manage their alumni networks by creating a platform where institutes can maintain contact with their graduates. Many alumni relations teams find themselves low on resource or managing many workstreams, but using multiple systems to host events, run mentoring or careers programmes, create a space for networking, and send email communications, meaning that activity on individual records and the ability to filter and segment based on engagement are lost. Our Alumni management enables your alumni relations team to work in a more effective way, by managing different channels of alumni activity through one system.
Educational support, consultation and development
We partner with Departments of Education, similar government bodies and NGOs to promote innovation in management practices and improve learning outcomes in poor performing government schools, colleges and universities. We also participate in tenders (an invitation to bid for a project) to get the job from the ministry of education and multinational organisations to provide support to their citizens, employees to study in the UK on a funded programmes and take care of the full study journey to make the full process very much easy and pleasant.